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About Us

We strive to offer a pet service that is all about the dog and their owner's individual needs. Every owner loves their pet, and many times they don't travel because they are uncomfortable leaving them. Our mission, and our passion, is to give the owners peace of mind and to give their four-legged friend the best care possible. We will always strive to accommodate your dog. We understand that they are all different and their needs vary.

We are proud to let you know that we are with your dogs from sunrise to sunset! The dogs are let out throughout our daily hours, and once more at around 9 pm for one more potty break. They have time to socialize with other dogs. We play with them daily and give each dog individual time. We are located on a farm. The dogs have two areas to go outside for potty breaks and exploring.


“I love taking my dogs to Buddy and Sissy's. I know that they care about all dogs that come and stay and know they all get plenty of attention! I always love to check in on my pups and Linda will always provide me with a photo of them. It is just a spectacular service!"  ​
Kim Rieke, Holly and Ella's owner


“Buddy and Sissy's Bed Biscuit is my number one choice whenever I need a place for my dogs to stay! They do so much for the dogs and I could not be happier with the service I've received each time we've visited!"

Brennan Jones, Taffy and Tessa's owner


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